TykeWriter is a word processing program intended for children who are learning to read and write. It is trivial to learn and use. TykeWriter can be used without the keyboard, using only the mouse and on-screen alphabet. This makes the child task of learning to write much simpler. The child is no longer confused and distracted by having to look down at the keyboard to find each character’s hiding spot. Also, the child is presented with only the features that they are likely to use. As the child develops, new features can be added by changing the level setting for that child.
The "Grown-Up", a parent or teacher, can customize TykeWriter to best suit each child using the "Grown-Ups" pull down menu. The Grown-Up should set the "Level". The "Level" determines a number of different TykeWriter features. Many of these features can be overridden using the other Grown-Up menu selections. The levels are defined as follows:
Beginner - Only the most essential set of features are included.
Intermediate - Adds the complete Macintosh characters and a
simple tool for selecting predefined styles.
Advanced - All of TykeWriter's features are enabled. This includes
the ability to open and close documents. Also, text can be copied
and pasted. An easy to use tool for selecting text color, font and
style is also added.
Install and Setup:
TykeWriter can be used without proper installation and setup by simply double clicking on the TykeWriter Icon.
To correctly install TykeWriter:
1) Drag the TykeWriter folder onto a hard drive. If you have a folder
labeled "Applications", that would be a good place to store the
TykeWriter folder.
2) Regardless of where you stored it, double click on the TykeWriter
folder. For each child who will be using TykeWriter, repeat the
following steps:
- Duplicate the "Sample Kid" folder and rename after the child. Drag
the new folder to a logical place on the hard disk if you want. Your
child should store his or her masterpieces in that folder.
- Double click on the child's new folder. Inside will be a file labeled
"Tyke's Settings". Select that file by clicking on it once make an
alias of it by pulling down the file menu and selecting the "Make
Alias" command. Rename the new alias file to the name of the
child. Leave the file "Tyke's Settings" unchanged.
- Drag the new alias file to either the desk top or the launcher (or
both). The child should run TykeWriter by double clicking this alias.
3) The User Guide is a ClarisWorks (version 2.0) document. If you don't
have ClarisWorks, find a Preforma with a color printer. The
Tykewriter website has an online user guide.
4) Look down at the lower right corner and find the "READ" button. It
should be just above the "EXIT" button. If the "READ" button is not
present, the Speech Manager is not running on your machine.
TykeWriter will work without the Speech Manager but you will be
missing a great feature. To install the Speech Manager, do the steps
in the following section.
How to Get the Speech Manager:
The Speech manager can be downloaded from the following Apple URL:
The download should produce a document named “ETTS.hqx” on your computer at the location you select.
Double clicking on “ETTS.hqx” will run Stuffit Lite.
Click on the “English Text-to-Speech” folder once to select it. While running Stuffit, pull down the “Archive” menu and select “UnStuff.” It will ask for a location on your machine to store the folder. Select a location and press “UnStuff.”
A folder named “English Text-to-Speech” will be created. Open (double click) this folder. Inside is a document named “Using English Text-to-Speech.” Open this document and follow the installation directions.
When you have the Speech Manager installed, test it out on TykeWriter. When it works, you can throw out both “ETTS.hqx” and the “English Text-to-Speech” folder.
My website will have a page of information about downloading and setting up the Speech Manager.
If you have a high resolution display, TykeWriter's icons may be too small for a child to read. In that case, find the control panel with the word "monitor" in it. Select a smaller resolution. Never drop the resolution below 640 by 480.
If you have a Proforma and when you go to store a file, the dialog always starts with the desktop, you need to disable the "Proforma" control panel.
For More Information:
TykeWriter has web-site provides information about new releases, documentation, bugs and reviews. It is at:
Please report any problems and send comments to lazarus2@erols.com.
I hope to write user documentation for this version of TykeWriter and it will be posted on the usual archives. A new and improved version of TykeWriter should be released every 6 months or so.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
TykeWriter was developed using version 7.1 of the System Software. It has also been tested on 7.5. and 8.0. It should work with all desktop Macintosh running any version of System 7. Its DRAM and disk requirements are below one megabyte. This version of TykeWriter should run on systems with smaller screen size and on black-and-white displays. I hope TykeWriter runs correctly under System 6.0.8, but I have not tested it. Please let me know if it does!
New Features:
1) Multi-Document Editing - In the advanced level, on medium and large displays, two documents can be edited at once.
2) Dynamic Screen Layout - TykeWriter now will shrink to fit into the small screen Macs and lap-tops. For large displays, TykeWriter will spread out and center itself. TykeWriter now looks a little sharper too!
3) Complete Apple Character Set - The on-screen keypad now includes the "Symbols" key which allows kids to type dozens of useful characters. When combined with the "Accent" key, the on-screen keypad can enter the entire Macintosh (US) character set.
4) Flexible File Open/Close Modes - TykeWriter can be configured to open and save files (documents) in a verity of ways. See the User Guide for details.
5) Improved Handling of Fonts - TykeWriter will now find more fonts and displays them in alphabetic order.
Legal Stuff:
This version of TykeWriter may be copied and distributed for free. Its use is limited to educational and recreational purposes. Use at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damages arising from use of this software.
All rights reserved. This program cannot be modified.
This version of TykeWriter is shareware. For a one month trial, you may use it for free. If you wish to continue using it, you must do one of the following:
1 - Post or submit a review of TykeWriter to a website or publication. The size and stature of the publication does not matter. All reviews should be of the latest release and should mention the website (or some means of distribution).
2 - Introduce TykeWriter to 5 Mac owners.
3 - Pay me $10 plus $5 for each additional computer which you plan to use with TykeWriter. Once you have paid to use TykeWriter on a computer, you can upgrade that computer to a new shareware release for free. Please make checks payable to David Lazarus and send to the following address:
David Lazarus
7852 Spring Ave.
Elkins Park, PA 19027
TykeWriter is not intended to be a full featured text editor for adults or advanced students. There are a number of very good word processing programs such as Word, Word Perfect and MacWrite Pro which should be used by anyone who is serious about their writing.
TykeWriter documents are limited in length to a few thousand words in length.